Theme Calls

In 2020, Valuation Studies initiated a new phase. As the editorial ‘Towards a Reformulation’ explains in more detail, we call this new phase valuation as a problem. The overall aim of this new phase is to strengthen Valuation Studies as a platform for curated academic conversations on valuation. In order to achieve this goal, we have introduced an important shift in how we manage submissions. New submissions will need to be in relation to an open Theme Call. The purpose of this change is to foster a more focused discussion around particular issues of valuation. 

Theme Calls are curated by the journal’s editorial board and guest editors. The process to contribute to Theme Calls has two steps. First, authors are invited to formally manifest interest in the call by submitting an extended abstract (maximum 1000 words). The abstract will be evaluated by the editors of the Theme. Second, papers resulting from accepted proposals will then undergo an anonymous peer-review process. Depending on the submissions and accepted papers, Theme Calls will become special sections, an issue or several issues in Valuation Studies. 

These are fully published Theme Issues.

Theme call 1: Valuation as a semiotic, narrative, and dramaturgical problem: re-opening the toolbox of valuation studies. Editors: Fabian Muniesa (Mines ParisTech), José Ossandón (Copenhagen Business School) (Theme Issue published here, original call here).

Theme call 2: Digitizing Valuation. Editors: Francis Lee (Chalmers University of Technology), Andrea Mennicken (London School of Economics), Jacob Reilley (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg), Malte Ziewitz (Cornell University) (The first part of the Theme was published here and the second part is published here, original call here).

These are past Theme calls not accepting submissions anymore in different stages of  the editorial process.

Theme call 3: Valuation and critique in the “good economy”. Editors: Kristin Asdal (University of Oslo) & Liliana Doganova (Mines Paris) (more information about the call here).

Theme call 4: Valuing Energy: unpacking value in energy resources, technologies and processes. Editors: Tomas Ariztia (Universidad Diego Portales), Béatrice Cointe (Mines Paris-PSL and CNRS), Trine Pallesen (Copenhagen Business School) and Antti Silvast (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)(more information about the call here).

Theme call 5: Comparing, Categorizing, Valuating: Entangled Modes of Ordering. Editors: Thomas Müller (Bielefeld University), Leopold Ringel (Bielefeld University), Elisa Ronzheimer (Elisa Ronzheimer), Jørgen Sneis (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) (more information about the call here).

Open calls.

Theme call 6: Valuing Sustainability in Technoscientific Capitalism. Editors: Cornelius Heimstädt (Humboldt University of Berlin), Tanja Schneider (Technical University of Denmark) (more information about the call here).